New location Plenary Closing Debate
Please note that the location of the Plenary Closing Debate has been changed from Victoria Hall to K1.
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Change in session E4 Wednesday
Session E4 Wednesday May 24th morning has been changed.
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Register now for the short courses
A series of short courses will take place on 21 May giving you the chance to add to or brush up on your expertise:
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Science-based practice
The congress offers six different tracks focusing on drug discovery, development and implementation.
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Stockholm’s Christmas markets
Each year, the festive period welcomes many Christmas markets to Stockholm. These range from the traditional, to the modern.
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Unique opportunity
Giovanni Pauletti, Associate Professor at the University of Cincinnati and Scientific Secretary at FIP , shares his thoughts: “PSWC 2017 provides a unique opportunity for the clinical scientists and pharmacists at patients’ bedsides.
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Season’s greetings
On behalf of all those involved in the organisation of the 6th Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, between 21 and 24 May 2017, FIP wishes you a happy festive period!
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Regulation is becoming global: insights from Dr Tomas Salmonson
Dr Tomas Salmonson of the Medical Products Agency in Sweden, tells us what he thinks about the congress theme and what this means for regulatory sciences, “Research is global, industry is global, and it is time that regulation also becomes global.
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PSWC 2017 registration now open!
Follow in the footsteps of the Nobel Laureates and register online today for your chance to attend the 6th Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress (PSWC) in Stockholm, Sweden.
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Biosimilar Labelling: a regulatory conundrum
The future for the biosimilars market is predicted to be golden.
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Getting close to a Nobel Prize in Stockholm
The Nobel Prize Ceremony takes place annually at the Stockholm Concert Hall.
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PSWC 2017 welcomes all!
We are at a crossroads in medicines research. In the next decade, systems biology research will yield an unprecedented wealth of novel insights in the mechanisms of disease.
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For young scientists
The Young Scientist Satellite Conference (YSC) will be held in Uppsala, Sweden, 19–21 May 2017.
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Prof. Hiroaki Kitano — speaker
The plenary opening ceremony will include a presentation by Professor Hiroaki Kitano , who will speak on the theme of “Systems biology — From symptomatic relief to disease modification and cure”.
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Focus on Track A: Drug design
The congress offers five different tracks focusing on drug discovery, development and implementation, details of which can be found here .
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Reception at Stockholm City Hall
The PSWC reception will be held at Stockholm City Hall on 22 May 2017.
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Continuous Manufacturing — the “holy grail” for pharmaceutical products? Insights from Professor Paul Heng
Congress session PSWC 2017 on Continuous Manufacturing.
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Save the date
After attending the 2010 AAPS/PSWC meeting in New Orleans, you know that it's the leading global event for pharmaceutical scientists!
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Congress theme
“Future Medicines for One World - Systems approaches to drug discovery, development and clinical usage” is what the congress theme will be, chaired by prof. Meindert Danhof , Leiden University, Netherlands, together with his program committee .
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Young Scientist Satellite Conference
The Young Scientist Satellite Conference (YSC) taking place before PSWC is an exciting occasion for future scientists to meet, discuss and present their research in oral sessions, poster sessions and workshops.
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Sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities
Are you interested in raising your organisations’ profile and building relationships with key decision makers within the pharmaceutical industry in Europe?
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Yoshinori Ohsumi wins Nobel Prize for understanding mechanisms of autophagy
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016 was announced on 3 October.
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