Plenary Opening Ceremony
Sunday 21 May 2017
Stockholmsmässan : Victoria Hall
16:00 Welcome by:
Meindert Danhof / Chair of PSWC, Netherlands
Carmen Peña / President of FIP, Spain
Erem Bilensoy / President of EUFEPS, Turkey
Karin Meyer / Chair Local Hospitality Committee, Sweden
16.30 Entertainment – The Visitors
16.40 Introduction to the theme "Future Medicines for One World"
16.45 Medicines for One World through global collaboration and harmonization
Dan Hartman / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
17.05 Impacts of artificial intelligence for pharmaceutical industry: Disruptive innovations in scientific discovery and biomedical sciences
Hiroaki Kitano / Systems Biology Institute / Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate School , Japan
17.25 Open Innovation – Strengthening research, enhancing transparency & attaining public support
Pierre Meulien / Innovative Medicines Initiative, Belgium
17.45 Entertainment – The Visitors