Symposium A1
The emerging discipline of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP): combining PKPD and Systems Biology
Monday 22 May 2017
Stockholmsmässan : K1
This session brings together a world-class group of scientists who will give a range of presentations that focus on the interfacing of quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) and Systems Biology (SB) with the aim to understand the interactions between drug action and disease processes. QSP constitutes the scientific basis for the design of novel disease treatments which modify the disease process.
Co-Chair(s): Piet van der Graaf (the Netherlands) and Don Mager (USA)
15:00 – 15:15 The emerging discipline of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP): combining PKPD and Systems Biology
Piet van der Graaf, Leiden University, theNetherlands
15:15 – 15:50 Quantitative systems pharmacology in oncology
Don Mager, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, USA
15:50 – 16:25 Quantitative Systems Pharmacology in infectious diseases
Jeremie Guedj, INSERM, France
16:25- 16:45 Break
16:45- 17:20 Quantitative Systems Toxicology
Hiroshi Suzuki,Tokyo University, Japan,
17:25 – 17:55 Systems medicine for molecular classification and drug discovery in chronic inflammatory diseases
Tim Radstake, UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands
17:55 – 18:00 Concluding remarks