Symposium B4 Oral absorption of biopharmaceuticals revisited
Wednesday 24 May 2017
Stockholmsmässan : K2
Oral administration is the preferred route of administration for drugs but this route has not been feasible for biopharmaceuticals due very poor absorption due to the large molecular weight, hydrophilic nature and instability to enzymatic degradation in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. Attempts have therefor been made for more than 30 years to develop drug delivery systems allowing overcome these obstacles and make oral products possible. Unfortunately, the outcome has been disappointing and today there are still no oral biopharmaceutical drug delivery based product for systemic treatment on the market. However, there is a currently a renewed research interest in this challenging field. One of the factors that changed the game is chemistry progress providing stable modifications thereby both avoiding GI degradation as well as generating very slow systemic elimination. The latter aspect is important from a drug delivery perspective since the fluctuations in plasma concentrations will be less sensitive to variations in extent of absorption at steady state. Thus, this re-opens interest for delivery approaches that enhances oral absorption of such drugs. Today this approach not only includes peptides but also small oligonucleotides further boosting interest. The current session will give a timely update of recent advances in this field and stimulate a discussion of remain critical questions and next steps.
Co-Chair(s): Hans Lennernäs (Sweden) and Bertil Abrahamsson (Sweden)
09:00 – 09:10 Introductory remarks
Hans Lennernäs, Uppsala University, Sweden
09:10 – 09:45 Coated liposome formulation for oral delivery of lipid-core peptide vaccines
Istvan Toth, The University of Queensland, Australia
09:45 – 10:20 Recent progress in formulation approaches for oral absorption of biopharmaceuticals
David Brayden, University College Dublin, Ireland
10:20 – 10:40 BREAK
10:40 – 11:15 Biopharmaceutics prerequisites with emphasis on intestinal stability
Randy Mrsny, University of Bath, UK
11:15 – 11:50 Oral absorption of peptides/oligonucleotides - how far have we come?
David Brayden, University College Dublin, Ireland
11:50 – 12:00 Concluding remarks
Bertil Abrahamsson, AstraZeneca, Sweden